How To Soar in PSLE - BTPS Way!!
Interact with complex questions / graphs / pictures to pick up valuable clues (don't highlight - just use your pen to underline words or scribble notes)
Start with Booklet A and do it meticulously with full focus - explore all 4 distractors before making final choice.
MANAGE your TIME - to score well, you need to try to finish ALL questions.
Specific answers = answers that are relevant to question.
When confused, choose any of the following strategies:
1. Ask, "What Science idea is being used in question?"
2. Pose other questions to clarify your thoughts
3. COMPARE to another set-up
4. COMPARE to a reverse situation
5. Connect to your knowledge in life (yes, you do have lots of prior / other knowledge)
6. Break down your answer in steps before crafting final answer.
Common problems with wrong answers:
*Answers are generic/vague and do not connect to that specific question
*Answers are not scientific and do not explain using Science ideas
*Answers do not make use of data provided when asked
*Answers did not make comparisons - use words like more/most etc..when asked
BTPS supports all P6 in achieving their PSLE GOALS!!
Chapter 4, pg 32

"The darkness of the night was thick and for a moment, he began to panic again. To see, he thought. to see is everything."
Q3) Explain clearly why Brian couldn't see where he was?
Science Around Me (SAM)
SAM is a Science journal that allows pupils to express themselves in their favourite ways about Science.
SAM is another great opportunity for pupils to THINK and TALK Science in a medium that is customised to their learning styles.
SAM allows teachers to informally assess understanding of the child and clarify misconceptions in their learning.
When Ice Changes into Water by Goh Chee Yan - 5G
Do you wonder whether the mass of ice changes when it melts into water. Try this out:
1. Put a few ice cubes into a plastic bag
2. Tie the mouth of the bag tightly
3. Weigh the bag of ice cubes (if there is condensation outside the bag, wipe it dry before weighing)
4. Place the bag in the sun
5. When ice has melted, wipe the outside of the bag dry (refer to step 3)
6. Weigh the bag
You will discover that the mass of the bag remains the same!
There is no change in mass when ice melts!!
On that night , there might be a new moon , hence there will be very less light reflected by the moon from the sun , causing the darkness . And because no/ too less light is reflected to his eyes, he cannot see where he was.
There might also be a possibilty that the fog is too thick for him to see .
Gu Yuling 6C
At night, its is very dark and there is little light so not much light is reflected to his eyes, which is why he is unable to see where he was.
Megan, 6 Faith
Youn Yea Won Ellia (6C)
Have you ever tried closing your curtains completely and turning off your light at night? This causes the same thing that Brian experienced.
This is because not enough light is entering the room for our eyes to see the surrounding. For Brian, since he was in the woods, the tall trees covered up the sky. This caused the amount of light from the Moon to decrease.
Just like Yuling has mentioned, the Moon could have been the New Moon where not much is reflected into the Earth from the Sun to the Moon and to our planet. This cuts down drastic amount of light from reaching the Earth.
Normally, in any forest that the trees can cut down the sunlight, it is usually quite bright due to the reflective surface of the leave. But in the question, if I am trying to replicate the result, a new moon may not be able to get that little amount of light. The only known way that I can replicate the results is that he was in a bright place at first.
Now to the main point,it all got to do with two different cells in your eyes,Cones and Rods The cones work in bright light while the rods do the opposite. Since rods will adapt in roughly ten minutes after exposure to the dark. It will capture clearity. SO it should not be that dark. UNLESS there is a mist or fog. Then, it will block of. Scientifically speaking, This scenario will hardly happen.
There might be a really thick fog in the forest and there are tall trees in the forest which will block the moon so there is very little night reflected back into brian's eyes. there might be also a new moon on that night so the forest was so dark.
It Was In The Night And There Was Little Light,Not Much Light Was Reflected In To Brian's Eyes And Thus He Cant See Much.
Koh Eugene 6Joy
it was at night.he was in a forest.the tall trees might be blocking the moonlight.with no light reflected into his eyes,he cannot see anything.
tan siqi(6G)
the trees in the forest could have blocked the moon from reflecting light into his eyes, hence, not allowing him to see much.
Wan Ting 6F
Normally at night we could still see our way around as thereis still a little bit of light. But where does the light come from? If there is no road lamp, the only light source we have left in the sky at night is the moon. As we know, the moon reflects light from the sun. Maybe on that night the moon was a new moon. Therefore, the moon reflected lesser light alsoc ausing lesser light being reflected into his eyes.
Wu Xinyi 6G
There must be trees around,thus the tree will block the light.This result in no or less light that reflected to his eyes.Therefore,he is unable to see where he was.
Tina Low,6 Faith
In the forest, there are many trees blocking the light out.
This cause little light reflecting from Brian's eyes.
Although it may appear dark, it is likely bright at a frequency that a human being cannot see.
JJ (6C).
Brian was in a forest where there are tall trees that might be causing less light to reflect to his eyes as they might be blocking the light.
There might be other reasonable reasons too. One of them may be the thick fog that was "covering"the surroundings, but I think he might still see in the darkness, because I don't think that the fog can cause him not to see anything.
Another reason might be that there was a new moon, as some people said. It does not allow much light to travel into Brian's eye so this might be 1 possibility.
Si Jia
6 Grace
Very little light/no light is present at night. Hence, very little light/no light is reflected to Brian's eyes, which explains why he could not see where he was. Even if there was SOME light, MOST of it would have been coverd by the tall trees in the woods.
Tan Yee Leng 6F
There might have been possibilities of clouds in the sky, thereby blocking the light of the stars, or the light reflected by the moon from the sun. A thick lining of clouds can completely block out all lights from the sky, thus enabling no light reflected to his eyes, enabling him to see nothing.
Elmer :) (6F)
At night,there will be no light in the forest and if there is , it might also blocked by the trees. And there might also not enough light to reflect to his eye.
He could not see where he was as at night it is dark and there is no light being reflected into his eyes .
Rae ann
We see because light enters our eyes. That light could be light emitted by an object (such as the sun, stars, or a light bulb) or light that is reflected from an object (such as the moon, planets, and almost everything else).
At night, when there is no sunlight, only the rods in our eyes are in use. The rods can detect low light levels, so we can see at night but we don't see in colour and we can't discern fine details.
So, the moon was blocked off by the tall tress, hence there is a little light left for the light to reflect to our eyes.
UncleStan, 6F
Must support my answer. So i support. In the night, do you turn off your lights and close the curtains? I suppose all of you do. If not, I think most of you have went to the P5 Camp. When it is dark, what do we use in order for us to see? Torchlight. And when you are going to sleep, nobody would switch on the torchlight. You will find it difficult to see, am I right?
Why is it that we find it very hard to see in the dark?
The human eye uses light to see. Light bounces off our surroundings and into our eye through our pupil, the black hole at the center. A picture forms on our retina, the lining at the back of the eye. Our brain makes sense out of what we see. Without light, there is nothing to enter our retina and therefore we can not see in dark.Our eyes percieve our surroundings by interpreting light as it bounces off of other objects. No light = nothing to interpret.
Usually we would be able to see at night as the light that the sun gives out is reflected by the moon which is reflected to our eyes. Seeing the photo, it MIGHT be because the tall trees blocking the light reflected to Brian's eyes.Thus, he was unable to see.
Actually, in the night. Even though the Moon reflects light from the Sun, but it is very hard to see. It is because the Moon is VERY far away and when the Moon reflects light, some of the light energy is lost to the surroundings, thus the light will be very faint.
Nicole, you said that the trees would block. But in the night sky, not only are there the Moon, there are also many STARS. So the trees may block the light reflected by the Moon, but not the STAR'S light.
At night,it is very dark as there might be a new moon.there will be very less light reflected by the moon from the sun.because too little light is reflected to his eye,he cannot see where he was..
Li zihan 6f
Q3. At night, the sun is blocked and only the moon is visible but the moon does not give out light but reflects there might be a possibility that only less light is reflected into his eyes.
~Syafiqah 6Grace
the light was fainting as the sun is going out and the moon is rising maybe brian was fainting and his mind was about to go blank and it cold be a new moon where as it is total darkness
At night,it is very dark so very little light is present and also there might be some tress blocking the moons light and mabey brian is not used to the dark and it might take some time for him to get used to it jiade 6G
It is dark at night, so there is not much light is reflected to his eyes, that is why he was not able to see where he was.
Liu Chia Chih 6F
During the night there are not much light thus he could not see where he was.the trees around might have block light from passing as light only travel straight line.
juan pang
In that situation, it was in night time. The moon reflects the light from the sun, at that time, there will not be a bright source of light as the trees may block out the light from getting reflected to our eyes. There may also be some light lost to the surroundings.Hence, Brian cannot relly see where he was.
Remus see
When it is dark, not much light can be reflected to one's eyes, and since it is during the night time, when it is dark, Brian was unable see where he was. There might also have been a new moon so not much light is reflected onto the earth and since he was in the woods, the tall trees surrounding Brian could have blocked most of the light trying to be reflected to his eyes. Hence, he could not see.
Sry, try to understand me cuz my eng is really poor...(i dun even understand myself, i might rewrite it tmrw..maybe if i can)
6 Faith
the trees could have blocked out most of the light from the moon hence little light was reflected into his eyes hence he could not see where he was
Kay Kiat(6C)
the trees could have blocked out most of the light from the moon hence little light was reflected into his eyes hence he could not see where he was
Kay Kiat(6C)
it was at night time so there was no sunlight to get reflected to his eyes hence he cant see any thing
Bronson Chua 6Joy Peace...
at night we can not see thing clearly than morning that is because the light that reflect from sun to the moon then to our eyes is less than light at morning so we still can see something but at that night there might have a new moon so he could not see or because he is too frighten
yiwen 6 grace
In the night, there is no light source at all. In order to see things, things need to get reflected into our eyes.Usually when people are in the out doors and everything just so dark they actually panics as they would not know what bad things are going to happen.
shanice yeo 6Grace
In the forest, there will be lots of tall and thick trees. So, they will be able to block light that coming from outside. Which means, that even though the moon lit bright,the trees will block the light from coming in.
If, there was no sunlight, there will be no reflection, so he was not able to see his surrounding. As no light was reflected to him.
Jin Yun Na 6Grace
In the forest the tall trees need to photosynthesis thus they blocked the space beneath them and try to have larger surface area to do the process and there might be a chance that at that night the moon is blocked by the obstacles in the forest and less light will reflect into his eyes which unable him to see very clearly or see
Kelvin Ruty (6 Grace)
During the night, there is little light and little or no light is reflected in your eyes, thus, you mostly cant see anything.
In this case, he couldnt see a thing because NO LIGHT IS REFLECTED INTO HIS EYES.But why??? Most probably because of...
At night, there is fog in cold places as the trees respires and water vapour is given out.
It might be trees or animals blocking the light of the moon at the angle of where he is standing.
The moon is between the Sun and the Earth. The side of the moon facing the Earth is in darkness. Thus, maybe at that point of time, it is new moon.
Zoen 6G
I think even there is moon light the object around him does not reflect light making him unable to know where is he.
Lim ZhiXiang
Cha Da Eun(6c)
At night, especially in the woods(where there is a lot of trees), it is very dark.So there almost no light that could be reflected into Brian's eyes, making it hard for Brian to see.
he could not see where he was as at night, the light density is low, thus Brain cannot see where he was, hence causing him to panic.
Kenneth Wong (6Joy)
The trees might have blocked most of the light in the forest, and therefore he he is unable to see much.
Lorraine 6 Faith
At that night, there might be a new moon and(no moonlight) there would not be much light reflected into Brian's eyes, and that may be resulting to why brian could not see where he was.
Ying Xuan 6F
There was no light. Light is reflected off the object and goes into our eyes. However, there is moonlight, which allows us to see in the dark. It must have been cloudy or have some other factor to block out the light.(This won't be a see-rious problem to the Greenland shark, though. It can still rely on other senses to catch its prey.)
Tim Yap 6C
Q3)I suppose the Moon is able to be seen at all times.(other than the time of a new Moon)Perhaps Brian was not so lucky that night and there was a new Moon.In that case not much light would be reflected into his eyes and he would not be able to see anything.
Other possibilities include dense fog, tall trees blocking the Moon and the light as well as poor orientation.
Soory. The above comment was by Nicholas King(6C)
Alriiiiiight... Here goes.
The amount of light we receive is drastically reduced at nighttime compared to day. That's the main reason why he couldn't see.
The ability to see during the night is weak in human beings compared to most other land animals.
There was also fog that night. The fog might have blocked some of the moonlight, affecting his already-poor ability to see in the darkness of night.
In the forest - Trees, slopes and other objects block the little amount of moonlight that was able to pass through the fog. Thereby even FURTHER reducing the amount of light reflected into his eyes.
Lastly, he was probably afraid. The passage mentioned him panicking. When we panic, everything doesn't seem as clear as it is actually is. That's why people always tell us to keep a calm head despite the bad situation.
Example: Everyone has probably experienced this. Before an examination, you cram. During it, your mind goes -WHOOP- and you forget what you studied.
This is my theory. It definitely isn't perfect, but it's what I think are the facts.
Lee You; 6Faith.
In the woods , there will be trees blocking the light from reflecting to Brian's eye and caused the darkness.
Chen Zung
in the night te outdoors would be absoloute dark since it is a rainforest so it took awhile for his eyes to get used to it and when it is being adjusted he will be able to see more light it is like from a bright place you go into a dark room you cant see anything untill awhile
calvin ho 6G
so if he was at the lake it wont be totaly dark unless it was a new moon but if there was a fog i would disagree because he would be able to see a tinkle fo light but it was discribed like you couldent see anything
calvin ho 6G
When it is at night, people need light to see. There are possibilities that there is not enough light on that night, hence, Brian could not see where he was. There might also be another possibility that there are tall trees blocking the light reflected from the moon as Brian was in the forest.
Sorry, the one above is mine.
Abraham Lau ( 6 Grace )
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