How To Soar in PSLE - BTPS Way!!

Interact with complex questions / graphs / pictures to pick up valuable clues (don't highlight - just use your pen to underline words or scribble notes)

Start with Booklet A and do it meticulously with full focus - explore all 4 distractors before making final choice.

MANAGE your TIME - to score well, you need to try to finish ALL questions.

Specific answers = answers that are relevant to question.

When confused, choose any of the following strategies:

1. Ask, "What Science idea is being used in question?"
2. Pose other questions to clarify your thoughts
3. COMPARE to another set-up
4. COMPARE to a reverse situation
5. Connect to your knowledge in life (yes, you do have lots of prior / other knowledge)
6. Break down your answer in steps before crafting final answer.

Common problems with wrong answers:
*Answers are generic/vague and do not connect to that specific question
*Answers are not scientific and do not explain using Science ideas
*Answers do not make use of data provided when asked
*Answers did not make comparisons - use words like more/most etc..when asked

BTPS supports all P6 in achieving their PSLE GOALS!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Life Without Simple Machines?

Imagine lifting this up?

Of all the simple machines you have learnt about, which one of them do you think Man cannot do without in everyday life?
Explain clearly why.


Science Inspires Us said...

All simple machines are very important, they plays a part in our daily life and leisure.

Inclined planes:
-bed screws
-light switches
-door stopper


-baseball racket
-fishing rod

-Correction tape
-watches and clocks

Wheel and axle.
-Car wheel
-toilet paper dispenser


Ying Xuan

Science Inspires Us said...

Posted by Gu Yuling ( 6 Chairty ):

Exactly ! All simples machines have been invented to satisfy a certain purpose to improve your life . The truth to be told , to me , all simple machines are needed in our everday life . If we can do without some of them , then why are those simple machines still manufactured for use ? Perhaps some are just to make our jobs easier , but let's take a look at a few examples commonly found in our everday life:

Gears : it is the simple machine inside the clock . Hence, without it , will the clock still function properly and tell the correct and exact time ? Of course not , by then to tell the time we have to look at the shadow casted by the sunshine . What if it is a rainy day and you arranged to meet up with your friends ? Then you will not be in time .Moreover , telling the time by looking at the shadows is not that accurate .

Inclined plane , Wheel & axle : Talking about the ramp that allows cars to drive into the carpark , what if they are not there ? If the cars continure to travel , they will meet a car accident . Parking on the road above underground ? That will be taking up too much space that is used for other more important things and also blocks the road .Since we are talking about cars / vehicles ,the car's wheels is actually wheel and axle , without them , the car will not be able to function well.If you are thinking of not driving a car , and go by walk , I don't think you can take the long walk of many kilometres , besides its slower by walk .

Lever : To sweep up the dirt in our rooms , the fastest way is to use a broom as many people does . And a broom is a lever , the hand acts as the fulcrum and effort while the load is the dirt .Without the broom , are we going to pick up the dirt one by one , dirtying our hands ? That's a never ending job . By using vacuum cleaner and other items of higher technic will only pollute the world either in manufacturing or usage . That will cause great damage to our environment ,but we definitely cannot live in a dirty room , that will cause us to fall sick.

Pulley :
eg . shoelace . Without it , tightening you shoes will be hard job . Wearing a loose shoe during a race will only make you trip and fall.
Pulley is also used to draw curtains and let use choose to let the room to be filled with sunlight or enjoy yourself in a dark room and also ensures privacy .

Screw : used at bottom at light blub , without this , the bulb cannot be conected to electricity source . This may cause a frightening night at home . By using candles and batteries will not help because they can only last for short periods of time.
The jar lid consist of screw too , this ensures that the food (eg cookies that cannot be finished within a day ) inside the jar is kept fresh and suitable to be consumed . If you let the jar stay open , the food will turn bad very soon and its a utter waste.

Wedge : imagine a kitchen without knife (wedge ), we will not be able to cut large pieces of food into smaller portions . And we are definitely not capable of eating a big watermelon neither can we eat a whole animal as meat. We are also unable to cook the food in large portion as we do not have such a big container nor such strong fire . By then , our meals will be a problem.

( the above are simple machines I have learnt & are correct of my knowledge sorry for any incorrect statement. )
*Hence , without any of them , our life will be a big problem and it will be hard to predict if we can survive till the next day ... more seriously , Man might extinct from this world ! And here ,I truly sppreciate the invention of simple machines that make life possible .


6grace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Sign Painter said...

For my side, I wish to explain a simple yet effective story for me to answer the question...
Only Homo Sapiens use tools to survive, we did not use any horns, we cannot run very fast, and so on. But our species work on only two legs, only successful species do that( Like Kangaroos and Dinosaurs, They are both successful), Our only reliability on tools, if we lose any simple machines, we wont really evolve into our current state. The only simple machine we may afford to lose is the pulley, as it is the most recently discovered, it actually only cuts work, but actually does not change anything

Pek Yu-Xuan Sean

Science Inspires Us said...

I think all the simple machines are very important,but amount all of them i think lever is the most important.As our hands and legs are like a kind of simple machine.It allow us to write,eat,play and many other things.If without them i think i could do nothing.

6grace said...

I think all simple machines are important as without lever, there will not be shoe laces and we will not have shoes, and without pulley there will be no crane and we will not be able to build tall houses. If there is no wheel and axle, there will be cross spanner and it will be diffcult to remove the srew from the car wheel if there is no inclined plane, it will be very difficult for us to bring something up a lorry, and if there is no gears, there will be no cars or bicycle to make us reach our destination faster.
Done by
Lim Zhi Xiang 6grace

Science Inspires Us said...

Although I feel that all simple machines are important,if I have to choose one out of them, I would choose the lever. The lever is found in many of our home appliances and we use them everyday.Examples include the broom,stapler, scissors, faucet handle, etc.Hence, the lever is the most important of the simple machines.
~Nicholas King(6C)

Science Inspires Us said...

Simple machines are very important to us humans and make things much easier for us.

Pulleys such as the lift and our shoelaces are some examples. The shoelaces allows us to tighten our shoes so it will not fall out so easily. Without them, tightening our shoes will take forever, although you could wear shoes with straps on it. The lift allows us to conveniently go up and down without using much effort. Imagine what would happen if there no lifts in the world? Our legs will be tired out easily and climbing up the stairs will be so much harder than before.

Levers like the broom and knives. The broom helps us clean the floor faster than we pick up the small bits of litter. Knives makes cutting/chopping easier than we use the fork and the spoon to tear the food off.

Gears in clocks and correction tapes. Gears are placed in correction tapes so that the tape will come out when they turn and "blanko" your words. The clock needs gears in them so that the correct time will be shown when the hand of the clock turns.

Inclined planes like the ramps and stoppers. Ramps helps the disabled or the old to walk to a particular place without using much effort. The stopper stops the door from slamming when there is a big wind and nobody is at home.

Wheel and axle like the pencil sharpener or the steering wheel. The pencil sharpener sharpens the pencils for us or else we would be in the ancient times, sharpening using a a stone. The steering wheel allows us to turn it when we are about to turn sharply.

There are more like the screw and wedge but I will just type all this for now.

Si Jia
6 Grace

6grace said...

I think the most important simple machine is the lever .Even something like the broom is a lever and it is used to keep our house clean, of course you can pick the rubbish or dirt up with your hands but it is a lot more difficult. When engineers repair the cars, the have to use a jack to lift the car it also uses the concept of levers. What must we in order to enter our house? Open the door, and the door is also an example of a lever. Imagine having a door which is not a lever (I don’t think it is even possible),I don’t know how are we going to open the door. Even so, the other simple machine are also equally important but in other ways.
Ruyan (6grace)

Science Inspires Us said...

Pek Yu-Xuan Sean said "The only simple machine we may afford to lose is the pulley, as it is the most recently discovered, it actually only cuts work, but actually does not change anything"

I choose to differ to what was said by Pek Yu-Xuan Sean. Simple machines has been around for ages. It is just that many years ago, people do not term it as simple machine. Pulley, just like any other simple machines, is an important tool for humans. Without it, buildings cannot be build. Has anyone wonder how was the egyptian pyramid built?


Science Inspires Us said...

I think the most important one is lever.As it is found in many of our home appliances and we use them everyday.Examples include the broom,stapler, scissors, faucet handle, etc.Hence, the lever is the most important of the simple machines.
li zihan 6F

Science Inspires Us said...

I think that, life without simple machines would greatly improve our health, as without simple machines, we would not be so lazy and sit there to let the machine do all the work. As there are no simple machines, men develop stronger muscles last time, but right now, we have no need for the convenience of stronger and bigger muscles to lift heavy things, unlike last time. Whereby people have to self lift heavy boulders and hunt their own food.

Therefore, we can conclude that simple machines can and will harm our health greatly as we do not exercise that much anymore.

Science Inspires Us said...

To me all simple machines are needed in our everyday lives. They were invented because people in the past found it harder to move or do things without it. After inventing, they realised simple machines helped. Simple machines were used at different places for different purposes.
Lets say if it was pulley. We can see pulleys almost everywhere. Lifts have pulleys but it is only that we cannot see them as they are on top of the lift. Without the pulley on the lift, we would have to climb stairs and that would be very tiring.
Levers can also be seen anywhere. If we were in the kitchen, we can find a nutcracker. The nutcracker helps us crack nuts and without it, we have to use our teeth and crack it! However, we are not squirrels, we do not have strong teeth to crack nuts, so the nutcracker helps us a lot in our lives.
For gears, we can normally find it in clocks. But for now, lets think alternatively. We can also find gears in a can opener. If the can opener had not have the gears, the blade would not have been able to move and open the can. So gears not only help to tell the time, it helps to open our food.
Wheel and axles are very common as well. In the toilets, we find the tap. Turning the tap allows the water t0o flow and providing us with water. BUt let us imagine if there was no tap, after everyone uses the toilet and we cannot wash our hands, it would be filled with germs and many people will soon fall ill.
Inclined planes are what we normally call ramps. Ramps can be found in car parks as they are needed to help move the cars from one level to another. Lets say if there were no ramps, one land filled with cars but no space to park it.Even if there was another level, the car cannot just fly up to the nest level or be carried up as it is too heavy. So with the help of the ramp, the car can move to the next level.
So to summarise, simple machines help us humans a lot in our lives, we should not misuse them.

Science Inspires Us said...

Sorry, the above comment was by Xinyi 6Grace

Science Inspires Us said...

actually,all the simple machines are important to us.wihout them,we could stuggle with
-inclined plane:stairs
without them,how are we going to travel to diffrents storeys?jumping up(or putting spring on our shoes) or climbing up would take more effort
how are we going to lift heavy things up easily.lifting heavy things with pulleys is easier than using levers.
-levers:can opener
using our teeth?thats useless!we would be toothless if that happens.
we might starve too(if there is food inside the can)
well,without cars we could not travel to far places.bicycles would not have existed, too!
-wheel and axle:doorknob
opening doors would be a difficulty.sliding doors MIGHT take more effort


Science Inspires Us said...

All simple machines is important but I think the lever would be most important of all.We use levers in our everyday life for example,we use brooms,stapler,scissors and others.Without these simple machines our life would be difficult.For example the broom,without it we would be using our hands to pick up the rubbish instead,and when we pick up rubbish it would mean bending our backs and that could give our body stress.
Rachel Ngo[6G]

Science Inspires Us said...

i think without inclined plane, man cannot do anything in everyday life. With incline plane man is able to do work with a lesser effort as it is usually acting against lesser gravity than using a ladder but using an inclied plane it needs to move a longer distance.
shanice yeo 6 grace

Science Inspires Us said...

There are many types of simple machines. They helps us make ouer life easier, but thare some simple machines that man need in their everyday life.For me ,i think that the lever is the most important of them all. Almost every thing we see are levers,even our hands are a form of levers , they work like a lever.Think about it. if levers arent more important, why do people invent so many levers,eg broom,sissors and a lot more.But even though levers are the most important to me, others are also important. imagine if some wants to climb up a hill but does not safety rope (pulley) he/she will die .

=) lydia(=

Science Inspires Us said...

i think that all simple machines are important.But if i can only choose one,i think the lever is the most important one.Lever is found almost everywhere around us.Campared to the others the lever is the one that is used most of the time.Without it we can't make our lives simpler which means we will have to spend much more time and put in more effort in whatever we are working on.The people who created simple machines most probably thought of how to make work easier and lifes better to live and came out with what we have today after much improvements.
~audrey lee 6grace

Science Inspires Us said...

The lever.
Putting aside brooms and spoons, the really important levers are in the human body. Without such levers, we won't be able to move at all!

Tim Yap 6C

Science Inspires Us said...

I think the most important simple machines are inclined planes like stairs , because without them we would not be able to go from one storey to another easily

rae ann

The Sign Painter said...

EJ, whoever you are, ramps have been the only simple machines archaelogist have discovered in the egyptians times. Inclined Plane, may have been the way.

Science Inspires Us said...

I think all simple machines are important each one of them have their own use but these machines were just make our life easier so without them we also can survive just need to use more energy.If really wants me to think some simple machine i think it could only be wheel and axle and gear,nowadays the most important things in this world is energy because there are not much energy left in the world so i think only the things there can produce energy are important.Wheel and axle turned the gear, the gear turn the generator then the energy can be produce this is what i see before it can provide the energy quicky and just use hand can provide so i think these two simple machines is most important one.
yi wen

Science Inspires Us said...

If there was no simple machines in this world, we would need alot of effort to do things like for example crushing a garlic is very hard if you want to crush it to very tiny pieces. But now with the garlic crusher, it needs lesser effort and much lesser time to crush the garlic and the outcome is great too. And also if we do not have wheel and axle, how are cars suppose to move? And think, if pulleys was not discovered, how will the people from the olden days get water in the well? So the most important is actually is the pulley as it plays a big role in reducing effort for man.
Nicole, 6Grace

6grace said...

I think the lever is the most importance of the all the simple machines.
You can see the lever everywhere. Even in your body!!!! I think the lever is the basic of all the simple machines. It is seen in everywhere and basicity of movements in both human being and machines.Every levers has load, effort and the fulcrum. Labelling the load, effort and the fulcrum will tell us what classes they are. Everything starting from our body to our eating. Spoon and the chopsticks are part of the lever and our body where all our hinge joints are examples of levers.

Jin Yun Na 6Grace

Science Inspires Us said...

I think that all simple machines are important in our lives.But it does not mean that it is impossible for us to do anything without them...we just need to use more effort to overcome our loads.But i think that the lever is the most useful simple machine as you can see one everywhere you go and they lesen the effort you use to overcome the load...

MOoN yOuNG ^o^ 6 FAitH

Science Inspires Us said...

well i think it would be lever because lever helps us the most . Lever also sometimes consists of our own selves, like our arm the elbow is actully the fulcrum .

Sally 6g

Science Inspires Us said...

I think that all simple machines are important in our life as they help us do work easier.But i think that without iinclined planes,we cannot reduce the effort needed when we pull a load up a mountain that have a long distance or short distance.Tina Low 6Faith

Science Inspires Us said...

The wheel and axle.People use it to draw water from wells and drive cars.Some parts of the world have no reservoirs so people have to get their water from wells.How would they get the water out of the well without a wheel and axle?

Suhatya 6grace

Science Inspires Us said...

I think that all kinds of simple machines are important.Among all kinds of simple machines, i think that levers is the most important as almost everything we use consist of levers, including the joints of our arms and legs are also levers.

Chen Zung
6 Grace

Science Inspires Us said...

I agree with Wei Wei answer.Our hands and legs etc.are all levers.without them, we will not be able to maove and eat, and therefore, we will not be able to survive.Although yes simple machines are to make our life easier, but as for the lever on our body, it is a need.Imagine your body without a lever... it is impossible!Therefore, i think that the lever is something that man cannot live without.

6grace said...

Simple machines are the basis for more comples machines . Without them our life will be very difficult .
For example,
wheel and axle:
A door knob is one of them .Without them do u think you can open the door , well u might but very hard !

inclined planes:
Ah Huh ! Wheelbarrows!think of it will you ever carry heavy things (of course!) but i mean as in cement... tons of well grass ...mud ...but relax using the wheel barrow...ummm...The inclined planes on wheelbarrows which i mean the base of it will put the load in a right place, that make it easier for you to push it as well as carrrying the load !

shoelaces !haha!but well they really pulleys ! They help u by tightenng your shoes .pulleys are also found in curtains they help us to draw curtains...they are also found in flag poles.
brooms how about it ?The brooms help us by reducing effort use by sweeping dirts in our rooms, class etc. quicker than picking dirts on the ground on by one.

Gears :
watches. without them can u tell the exact time .well i am sorry, but what is the time now ? Ha ha .

Wedges !
hmm...i know! kitchen knife ! They help us to cut food .and your
heads ! heeeellllp.just kidding.

Well i will and my talk by saying :wow ! without simple machines , we my not even to the simplest thing in the world .

6grace said...

Man can do without everything because they depend on technology.but still they need to use the simple machines.

Without levers, we cannot sweep the floor,open the tin can and others.

Without gears, we cannot ride the bicycle and could not contributes to the saving of earth.

without inclined plane, we will have difficulties in going to a higher places.

Without pulleys,we will need a lot of hard work to put the tree house in the tree.

Withoue wheel and axle, carpenter need to use more force to screw in a screw in the wall.
Syafiqah` 6 Grace

Science Inspires Us said...

All the simple machines are important! However, i thought the levers are the most important simple machine, as it can be found almost everywhere. The examples of levers: stapler, broom, scissors, etc. The examples are all the appliances that we often use. Therefore, I thought the levers are the most important simple machine among all the simple machines. That is just my opinion!

Liu Chia Chih 6F

Kee Jin said...

i think that it is the lever.
levers form a very huge part of our lives.without it, we won't be able to do even the simplest things such as: sweeping the floors,lifting a weight,etc. therefore, i presume that without levers, we will be as good as dead.
Cheo Kee Jin
6 Charity

Science Inspires Us said...

i think pulley is the most important as pulleys can lift a item up a very high height and if man were to use an inclined plane they need to use their feet alot and inclined planes need to be slanted while pulleys can be vertical

Science Inspires Us said...

whoops the one before this is calvin ho of 6 grace

Science Around Me (SAM)

SAM is a Science journal that allows pupils to express themselves in their favourite ways about Science.

SAM is another great opportunity for pupils to THINK and TALK Science in a medium that is customised to their learning styles.

SAM allows teachers to informally assess understanding of the child and clarify misconceptions in their learning.

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Factors Affecting the Environment by Gog Ru Yan - 6G

When Ice Changes into Water by Goh Chee Yan - 5G

Do you wonder whether the mass of ice changes when it melts into water. Try this out:

1. Put a few ice cubes into a plastic bag
2. Tie the mouth of the bag tightly
3. Weigh the bag of ice cubes (if there is condensation outside the bag, wipe it dry before weighing)
4. Place the bag in the sun
5. When ice has melted, wipe the outside of the bag dry (refer to step 3)
6. Weigh the bag

You will discover that the mass of the bag remains the same!
There is no change in mass when ice melts!!

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