How To Soar in PSLE - BTPS Way!!
Interact with complex questions / graphs / pictures to pick up valuable clues (don't highlight - just use your pen to underline words or scribble notes)
Start with Booklet A and do it meticulously with full focus - explore all 4 distractors before making final choice.
MANAGE your TIME - to score well, you need to try to finish ALL questions.
Specific answers = answers that are relevant to question.
When confused, choose any of the following strategies:
1. Ask, "What Science idea is being used in question?"
2. Pose other questions to clarify your thoughts
3. COMPARE to another set-up
4. COMPARE to a reverse situation
5. Connect to your knowledge in life (yes, you do have lots of prior / other knowledge)
6. Break down your answer in steps before crafting final answer.
Common problems with wrong answers:
*Answers are generic/vague and do not connect to that specific question
*Answers are not scientific and do not explain using Science ideas
*Answers do not make use of data provided when asked
*Answers did not make comparisons - use words like more/most etc..when asked
BTPS supports all P6 in achieving their PSLE GOALS!!
Simple Machines

The above toy used the concept of Simple Machines.
What simple machine is used here? Explain clearly how this toy can remain balanced.
Science Around Me (SAM)
SAM is a Science journal that allows pupils to express themselves in their favourite ways about Science.
SAM is another great opportunity for pupils to THINK and TALK Science in a medium that is customised to their learning styles.
SAM allows teachers to informally assess understanding of the child and clarify misconceptions in their learning.
When Ice Changes into Water by Goh Chee Yan - 5G
Do you wonder whether the mass of ice changes when it melts into water. Try this out:
1. Put a few ice cubes into a plastic bag
2. Tie the mouth of the bag tightly
3. Weigh the bag of ice cubes (if there is condensation outside the bag, wipe it dry before weighing)
4. Place the bag in the sun
5. When ice has melted, wipe the outside of the bag dry (refer to step 3)
6. Weigh the bag
You will discover that the mass of the bag remains the same!
There is no change in mass when ice melts!!
it uses the incline plane and lever simple machine balanced itself while clinging on the table the incline plane help the toy to grip itself on the table
Jeremy Rusli
it uses the incline plane and lever simple machine balanced itself while clinging on the table the incline plane help the toy to grip itself on the table
Jeremy Rusli
It used the lever, it can balanced because the effort is heavier than the load.
Lim Zhi Xiang
The lever.It rests on the table which acrs as the fulcrum, while the tail of the object acts as the effort as well as the load.
~Nicholas King(6C)
I think, the front part of the toy has a weight which cause the toy to balance like in the picture. It is an example of the lever. The effort is in the front part of the toy while the load is the end of the body. There is more effort than the load so, I think this can happen. So, if there is more effort in the front the balance will be in the front but if the load is heavier than the effort, the balance will be at the end of the toy..
Jin Yun Na(4) 6Grace^0^
i don't think its an inclined plane and its only a lever .as you can see there is no load going up or down on an inclined plane! but, i also don't think that the effort is heavier than the than the load. it's just strong enough to over come it!Perhaps the load is on the fulcrum and and not with the load and the tail of the object is the effort.So that it can be balanced easily.
Ong Yan Ting
The load is heavier than the effort thus the Toy is left at the edge of the table.
The lever is used. The fulcrum which is actually further away from the effort keeps it balance.(effort is at the tail, load is the table and the fulcrum is near the edge of the table)
Shanice yeo 6g
I think the lever is used here. In order to make it balanced so well, the load and effort needs to be almost the same. Over here, the fulcrum is actually the place where it is being balanced. The load is then the wings and the effort is actually gravity trying to pull it. Both of the load and effort are trying to be the same thus allowing it to balace even without help.
Xinyi 6Grace
It is a lever adn incline plane. The sharp thing that is hooking on the table is the load.The wing ,is an lincline plane,and it works like a fan... the gratity is hold the wings up.the tail is the effort....
lYdiA nG
For me, i do not see any incline plane in the toy and I only saw the lever.In order for the toy to balance itself,the effot it depends on the distance between the fulcrum and the load and the fulcrum and the also depends on the weight of the load and the amount of effort used.So, what i think is that the load is the wing and the fulcrum in the middle and the effort at the tail.
the effort used is more than the load despite the distance between the effort and he fulcrum.I think there is another reason for the toy to balance like that.The wings of the toy have to balance with each other.But the main reason the toy is able to balance like that is because the tip of the toy that is resting on the table is equal to the load or maybe alittle more.
a lever is used allow the toy to balance this way the effort and the load has to be about the same but in this case the toy is tiled this way which the effort has a greater force than the it will end up with this balance.~audrey 6grace
Lever is used . The front part of the toy has a weight .that help the toy balance .also i think that gravity is there to help also !
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