The pupils were at the Mindfest at the Science Centre.
What do you think caused the bottles to shoot up?
What do you think is coming out of the bottle?
How do you think it was formed?
How To Soar in PSLE - BTPS Way!!
Interact with complex questions / graphs / pictures to pick up valuable clues (don't highlight - just use your pen to underline words or scribble notes)
Start with Booklet A and do it meticulously with full focus - explore all 4 distractors before making final choice.
MANAGE your TIME - to score well, you need to try to finish ALL questions.
Specific answers = answers that are relevant to question.
When confused, choose any of the following strategies:
1. Ask, "What Science idea is being used in question?"
2. Pose other questions to clarify your thoughts
3. COMPARE to another set-up
4. COMPARE to a reverse situation
5. Connect to your knowledge in life (yes, you do have lots of prior / other knowledge)
6. Break down your answer in steps before crafting final answer.
Common problems with wrong answers:
*Answers are generic/vague and do not connect to that specific question
*Answers are not scientific and do not explain using Science ideas
*Answers do not make use of data provided when asked
*Answers did not make comparisons - use words like more/most etc..when asked
BTPS supports all P6 in achieving their PSLE GOALS!!
Start with Booklet A and do it meticulously with full focus - explore all 4 distractors before making final choice.
MANAGE your TIME - to score well, you need to try to finish ALL questions.
Specific answers = answers that are relevant to question.
When confused, choose any of the following strategies:
1. Ask, "What Science idea is being used in question?"
2. Pose other questions to clarify your thoughts
3. COMPARE to another set-up
4. COMPARE to a reverse situation
5. Connect to your knowledge in life (yes, you do have lots of prior / other knowledge)
6. Break down your answer in steps before crafting final answer.
Common problems with wrong answers:
*Answers are generic/vague and do not connect to that specific question
*Answers are not scientific and do not explain using Science ideas
*Answers do not make use of data provided when asked
*Answers did not make comparisons - use words like more/most etc..when asked
BTPS supports all P6 in achieving their PSLE GOALS!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
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Science Around Me (SAM)
SAM is a Science journal that allows pupils to express themselves in their favourite ways about Science.
SAM is another great opportunity for pupils to THINK and TALK Science in a medium that is customised to their learning styles.
SAM allows teachers to informally assess understanding of the child and clarify misconceptions in their learning.
SAM is another great opportunity for pupils to THINK and TALK Science in a medium that is customised to their learning styles.
SAM allows teachers to informally assess understanding of the child and clarify misconceptions in their learning.
Factors Affecting the Environment by Gog Ru Yan - 6G

When Ice Changes into Water by Goh Chee Yan - 5G
Do you wonder whether the mass of ice changes when it melts into water. Try this out:
1. Put a few ice cubes into a plastic bag
2. Tie the mouth of the bag tightly
3. Weigh the bag of ice cubes (if there is condensation outside the bag, wipe it dry before weighing)
4. Place the bag in the sun
5. When ice has melted, wipe the outside of the bag dry (refer to step 3)
6. Weigh the bag
You will discover that the mass of the bag remains the same!
There is no change in mass when ice melts!!
1. Put a few ice cubes into a plastic bag
2. Tie the mouth of the bag tightly
3. Weigh the bag of ice cubes (if there is condensation outside the bag, wipe it dry before weighing)
4. Place the bag in the sun
5. When ice has melted, wipe the outside of the bag dry (refer to step 3)
6. Weigh the bag
You will discover that the mass of the bag remains the same!
There is no change in mass when ice melts!!
Simple Steps to fight Dengue by Elizabeth Wu 4C

Steams comes out
1. The foce of the water forced it to shoot up. Steam was coming out of the bottle. It was formed by the pressure...
As the the water is heated,steam would be formed thus forcing it to shoot up
i think it is hot water droplets that is caused by the force of the water
1. The air pressure.
2. Water vapour.
3. I think it was formed by the air pressure.
Air pressure cause the bottle to shoot up.
Mist was coming out of the bottle.
It was formed by pressure.
Water droplets are emitted from the water bottle rocket after it is launched because the pressure built-up in it causes the water to heat up and as it is launched into the sky, the heated water evaporates and condenses when it hits the ground, therefore forming water droplets.
Water droplets are emitted from the water bottle rocket after it is launched because the pressure built-up in it causes the water to heat up and as it is launched into the sky, the heated water evaporates and condenses when it hits the ground, therefore forming water droplets.
I disagree. I think is the pressure pushing out of the bottle and the "Steam" coming up is a combination of two things. Firstly, with the combined gas law states that thing under pressure heats up, if the velocity is kept constant. Secondly, the pressure is vaporising the water into tiny water droplets. Thus, the heat will heat the water a little( Note that I say a little, since it is just to weak to create a pressure strong enough in a bottle without crushing a bottle to evaporate water) causing it to "Flow" out and act like steam while the pressure actually allows it to look like tiny water droplets. So, the small water droplets actually come out and act (In Chemical Terms of Behaviour) like steam.
Pek Yu-Xuan Sean
steam comes out as hot air rises
I think the force of the water caused the bottle to shoot up. Steam was comng out of the bottle. It was formed by air pressure.
Air pressure caused the water to shoot up.
Water vapour came out of the bottle.
It was caused by the water pressure.
6 Grace
I would like to clarify my post because, it just sound a little misleading. I said the pressure is actually vapourising the water droplets, a bit like spray paint, it actually pump air in between the water since the pressure is to great, and then looking like water droplets. I also stated about the combined gas law and said it is heating up a little, and not boiling, I meant, it is just a little temperature. Anyway, steam cannot been seen (My friend told me through MSN about this point) Aerosol water droplet has a little heat in it causing it to go upwards, so creating the steam.
Pek Yu-Xuan Sean
Youn Yea Won, Ellia(6C)
-I have realised from the video that the pupils have been pumping the water bottles with the water and exert just a little force using the stick. The pressure of the water is very high and when the force is exerted just a little, very little, I mean, it shoots itself up because of the extreme amount of pressure it's got. Oh, I have a good example. When you twist your plastic straw up and down, there will be a little space which contains compressed air and if you hit it, it will explode, with a great sound.
-I am not sure what the mysterious air coming out from the bottle but I think it is either mist or great amount of condensed air just like the condensing air near the dry ice. My mom told me that the temperature near to the sky is lower despite the fact that I thought it would be hotter since it is nearer to the Sun. But my thought was wrong. Anyways, back to the mysterious air coming out, I feel that because all the water is poured out in the air when it shoots up and the air from high up fills up the water bottle and the warmer air condensed as the water bottle flew nearer to the ground. Just my opinion~^^ Thanks!
Air pressure caused the water to shoot up.
Water vapour came out of the bottle.
It was caused by the force of the water pressure.
Hot water was pumped into the bottle which forced the bottle to shoot out ,causing steam to come out of the bottle.
the preasure in the bottle made it shoot up.
the heat created during the launch caused the "steam"
The "Steam" in my observation is not, it just like a water sprinkler shot upwards, but once it is pass s certain extremely small size, it will get carried to the clouds like how waves when hitting the water, will actually create particles which get carried by the wind to form clouds. So this tiny droplets actually go towards the sky.
Pek Yu-Xuan Sean
1.What do you think caused the bottles to shoot up?
2.What do you think is coming out of the bottle?
3.How do you think it was formed?
1.I think that the water pressure is pushing the bottles up. And when the pressure is in the top, it pushed the bottle and the bottle shoot up.( I know it is very weird) And when the water pressure is increasing, there will be a mist or water droplets. That will cause the heat in the water pressure to increase slightly as the number of water droplets is very little.
2.I think water vapour will come out. Because when the water pressure is increasing, the amount of water vapour increase. And that 'Mist' is formed from water vapour coming together making that foggy 'mist'.
3.I think i answer that on top...
Truely Speaking, Water Vapor, Steam all cannot be seen, and how are going to generate so much heat even friction need plenty of help.
Pek Yu-Xuan Sean
"Truely Speaking, Water Vapor, Steam all cannot be seen, and how are going to generate so much heat even friction need plenty of help.
Pek Yu-Xuan Sean"
I agree that steam cannot be seen, but are you sure that water vapor cannot be seen? WAIT I GO CHECK NET.
*After 5 minutes,Sean, you are wrong. Water Vapour can be seen. Examples are WHEN A PLACE IS VERY COLD, and when someone respire, there will be a 'mist'. The 'mist' are actually the water vapour given out by that living thing.
Friction when the heat is produced is very little so thats why Friction do not need plenty of help.
- I am not sure what is being pumped into the bottles-- air or water. But if it is air, i think it is the air pressure that causes it to shoot up as the air that is being pumped into the bottle is too much, therefore, the bottle shot up. (i am not very sure just what i think)
- About the air coming out of the bottle, i am not sure but i think it is mist( although i am not sure of how it is formed), or the water vapour that has been condensed. The only explanation i can think of is that the water vapour in the water condensed as the bottle shot up into the air due to the heat as it flew through the air. But again, i am not sure if i'm correct):
-Megan, 6Faith
I was wondering, when the bottle is flying in the air, does it produce heat? anyway please answer my question, thanks!
Megan, 6faith
mEGAN copied me in the 1st comment. I mean slightly only. BUT I AGREE WITH YOU. Well done!
Megan, it does produce heat. Because the bottles are being pushed by the water pressure, meaning there is slightly friction and friction produces heat.
Youn Yea Won Ellia(6C)
Now, I opinions change. The reason why the water bottles shoot up-
I see that pupils pump in water and they do not fill up the water bottles completely can you see that? And we have learned in P4 that air can be compressed. As you pump in the water, the air that was initially inside the bottle got compressed by the water that was pumped inside. And when a little force was exerted, a lot of force is generated and as it cannot stand it, it shot up itself.
-Mysterious air?
Yes, I disagree with Sean when he said that mist, steam and water vapour cannot be seen? Sean, have you visited Korea before? Even if you did not visit there before, you must have seen it in the movies or dramas that in the winter, the warm air coming out of your nostrils and mouth shows? The colder it is, the clearer it shows. The higher it is from the ground, it is harder to breathe because of air pressure and the colder it is. If you have climbed a mountain like I did in Korea, you must have known this. When the air resistance and gravitational force stops the water bottle from shooting up any further, it comes down and the cold air from high above the ground inside the water bottle condenses and it shows like the winter thing I told you. That it is! Finally, I think that the mysterious gas coming out from the water bottle is a mist generated due to condensation.
Well, if you want to debate, Marcus, sure! I like your opinions and I also thank you because you make me think once more about what I was wrong. I hope I can be a great help to you too like you are to me. Once again, thanks!!
No Marcus, you are mis-understanding me, what i meant is that water vapour as a vapour cannot be seen, but once it condensed it can be seen. Let me explain the entire process over again.
First, the student pump air into the bottle, most of the air rises due to difusion, but the water actually trap some of the air,so it is actually seperated by tiny bubbles.
Secondly, the pressure build up to 30 psi, the maximum a bottle can withstand. The temperature rises to 45 Degrees Celcius
Next, It go off, look at Frame 39 . It will build up the pressure, pushing the water bubbles .
Creating the mist you see
So Finally the heat goes out, then the aerosols go out!
ellia, thx for coplimenting me.
I agree with the water vapour and thx for siding with me =haha
"Finally, I think that the mysterious gas coming out from the water bottle is a mist generated due to condensation."
ELlia, you talk about mist, but have you ever thought what was the mist? mist is actually condensed water vapour. the 3 words "due to condensation" is true because the mist is actually formed by water vapour that are condensing in cold air. Be scientific in your answers THX :d
marcus chioh 6g
i think the air pressure in the bottle caused the bootle to fly wich realeased the huge ammount of preasure that made enough friction to create the sufficent ammount of heat to evaporate the water into seam wich is coming out
cal ho
- Marcus, Sorry about the copying part, i did not know. But anyway, thanks. (for complimenting and answering my question^^)
-Megan, 6faith
Never Mind, I don't mind. And u are welcome !
The air pressure caused the bottle to shoot up.Steam was coming out of the bottle.It was formed by the air pressure.
1. The hot air pressure being pumped by the students caused the bottle with water in it to shoot up.
2. Steam was coming out of the bottle.
3. As the steam pressure rises, the boiling point rises as well; and it will continue to do so as more heat is pumped, converting more water to steam.
~Nicholas King(6C)
Note on how I said 45 Degrees Celcius, you can't make a temperature greater than that in a plastic bottle! Thus, Condensation is Impossible! It did not even boil!
Pek Yu-Xuan Sean
"Note on how I said 45 Degrees Celcius, you can't make a temperature greater than that in a plastic bottle! Thus, Condensation is Impossible!:
Actually, condensation is possible, condensation just needs a cooler surface so as long as you got a cooler surface for the air to go to, condenstation can take place, and thus there is water vapour
I think it is because when Air is continuesly pumped into the bottle which contains water, the Air occupies space, so when the air cannot be pumped further, the bottle will shoot up along with the water in it.
Rachel Ngo S.H.[6G]
Note on how I said 45 Degrees Celcius, you can't make a temperature greater than that in a plastic bottle! Thus, Condensation is Impossible! It did not even boil!
Pek Yu-Xuan Sean
Sean, you are wrong because condensation can take place as long as there is difference in temperature between the surface and the air. Just that it will take a longer time when the difference is small.
-Youn Yea Won Ellia (6C)
I observed that the pupils were pumping something. I thought that inside the bottle there is some amount of water.And I realised that the pump was connected to the bottle.So,my guess was water was inside the bottle and when the air from the pump put into the bottle.
When the air pump in,I know that the air can be compressed, but in this case,there was too much air that inside the bottle, they formed an air pressure.
So,the bottle will shoot up and when it shoots,the water inside the bottle will come out and the air inside the bottle will meet the cold surface of the sky as in the sky the temperature goes down. So, when the air inside the bottle, meet the cold surface, the air will become cold. That is why the steam will come out from the bottle and I think when the pupils touched the steam they will feel moist as I think the cold surface made it cold but when it goes down, the bottle might felt the hot surface so it evaporate.
I don't know whether my comment is correct or not but I think this is how the steam form from the bottle.
Thank you~ Jin Yun Na (6Grace)
1.air pressure cause the bottle to shoot out 2.Steam was coming out of the bottle 3.water droplets was formed jd
the pressure shoots the cap out
I don't understand what Jin Yun Na(6Grace) is trying to say. The structure is quite hard to understand...
1.air pressure caused the bottle to shoot up
2.Water vapour . it was caused by pressure
Ang Rae Ann
I think that dry ice which is placed inside the bottle was compressed (preasure) in the bottle was too much that it forces its way out of the bottle causing the bottle to shoot up
han sheng
they pumped in soda.therfore,when enough carbon dioxide is pumped in.enough air pressure is built up inside the bottle.the bottle manage to shoot up into the seen from the video clip,the bottle's height varies.this might be due to the fact that different bottles have different capacity.therefore the air in the bottle the end of the clip,the 'smoke' that came out from the bottle might be carbonate and some of the left over soda vapour?it was formed during the soda making,the carbon dioxide present in the soda did not escape until the bottle shoots off,as when the soda was pumped in.the bottle did not have air is a sealed container.therefore,when the bottle was released,the carbon dioxide pushes off the bottle causing the bottle to shoot up into the sky.
I think the force of the water caused the bottle to shoot up. Steam was comng out of the bottle. It was formed by air pressure.
I would like to clarify my post because, it just sound a little misleading. I said the pressure is actually vapourising the water droplets, a bit like spray paint, it actually pump air in between the water since the pressure is to great, and then looking like water droplets. I also stated about the combined gas law and said it is heating up a little, and not boiling, I meant, it is just a little temperature. Anyway, steam cannot been seen (My friend told me through MSN about this point) Aerosol water droplet has a little heat in it causing it to go upwards, so creating the steam.
Pek Yu-Xuan Sean
1.What do you think caused the bottles to shoot up?
2.What do you think is coming out of the bottle?
3.How do you think it was formed?
1.I think that the water pressure is pushing the bottles up. And when the pressure is in the top, it pushed the bottle and the bottle shoot up.( I know it is very weird) And when the water pressure is increasing, there will be a mist or water droplets. That will cause the heat in the water pressure to increase slightly as the number of water droplets is very little.
2.I think water vapour will come out. Because when the water pressure is increasing, the amount of water vapour increase. And that 'Mist' is formed from water vapour coming together making that foggy 'mist'.
3.I think i answer that on top...
- I am not sure what is being pumped into the bottles-- air or water. But if it is air, i think it is the air pressure that causes it to shoot up as the air that is being pumped into the bottle is too much, therefore, the bottle shot up. (i am not very sure just what i think)
- About the air coming out of the bottle, i am not sure but i think it is mist( although i am not sure of how it is formed), or the water vapour that has been condensed. The only explanation i can think of is that the water vapour in the water condensed as the bottle shot up into the air due to the heat as it flew through the air. But again, i am not sure if i'm correct):
-Megan, 6Faith
steam is actually hot water vapour that is produced by the boiling of water.water vapour can only be seen after it has condensed into tiny water droplets.
what caused the condensation?
as the air in the bottle is warmer than the surrounding air,the difference in temperature caused the water vapour to condense into water droplets.
-what caused the air to be warmer inside the bottle?
- there was some water in the bottle in the first place,when the air was being pumped in there was stored energy.what happened to the stored energy?
tan si qi
In my opinion, it is the air pressure that allows the bottle to shoot up in the air.It is hot air that comes out of the water.
Ben Wu,
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