How To Soar in PSLE - BTPS Way!!
Interact with complex questions / graphs / pictures to pick up valuable clues (don't highlight - just use your pen to underline words or scribble notes)
Start with Booklet A and do it meticulously with full focus - explore all 4 distractors before making final choice.
MANAGE your TIME - to score well, you need to try to finish ALL questions.
Specific answers = answers that are relevant to question.
When confused, choose any of the following strategies:
1. Ask, "What Science idea is being used in question?"
2. Pose other questions to clarify your thoughts
3. COMPARE to another set-up
4. COMPARE to a reverse situation
5. Connect to your knowledge in life (yes, you do have lots of prior / other knowledge)
6. Break down your answer in steps before crafting final answer.
Common problems with wrong answers:
*Answers are generic/vague and do not connect to that specific question
*Answers are not scientific and do not explain using Science ideas
*Answers do not make use of data provided when asked
*Answers did not make comparisons - use words like more/most etc..when asked
BTPS supports all P6 in achieving their PSLE GOALS!!

In Singapore, different types of mooncakes are sold in different types of containers.
In what ways are the containers similar and in what ways are they different? What is the reason for choosing different types of containers?
Science Around Me (SAM)
SAM is a Science journal that allows pupils to express themselves in their favourite ways about Science.
SAM is another great opportunity for pupils to THINK and TALK Science in a medium that is customised to their learning styles.
SAM allows teachers to informally assess understanding of the child and clarify misconceptions in their learning.
When Ice Changes into Water by Goh Chee Yan - 5G
Do you wonder whether the mass of ice changes when it melts into water. Try this out:
1. Put a few ice cubes into a plastic bag
2. Tie the mouth of the bag tightly
3. Weigh the bag of ice cubes (if there is condensation outside the bag, wipe it dry before weighing)
4. Place the bag in the sun
5. When ice has melted, wipe the outside of the bag dry (refer to step 3)
6. Weigh the bag
You will discover that the mass of the bag remains the same!
There is no change in mass when ice melts!!
Both the containers are big enough to contain several mooncakes
The patterns of the container are different...the one with nicer patterns will actually attract more customers to buy
Difference:There are different sizes and types of mooncakes. Some are cold, so they are kept in containers that can withstand cold(heat insulators).
Similarity: They both can contain several mooncakes
They have different designs.They have chinese characters written on them.The container that have the nicer design will attract more people to buy.
The boxes are both big enough to contain a few mooncakes. Chinese characters are written on both boxes to signify the Lantern festival.
The first box is simple and plain, while the second is beautifully decorated. This would attract more potential buyers.
The reason for choosing different types of boxes:
- Different people have different points of view. One might think that the first box looks simple and neater, while another might prefer the colorful second.
- The person who buys the first box of mooncakes can decorate the box himself; an original design, while the person who buys the second box saves time.
The various shapes, colour and size of the box determines on the mooncakes in it. Four main factor dominate it. Firstly, you may need a mooncake to be kept chilled so the box will have to be an insulator or is able to trap air very well. (You can cut cost by using a cardboard box with a mooncake that doesn't need to be chilled) Secondly, the size of the box determined how many mooncake in there and what is the size of the mooncake, since when you see a larger box , three different thought will come to your head:
- Ah... it has a bigger box therefore more mooncakes
-Hmm... if the box is so big is most likely heavier, than I will need to pay for delivery charges
- Bigger Mooncakes!
So there should be a balance within its factors. Nextly, the colour of a box is determined by the customer it is going to attract. If it is a posh restraunt probably they will refrain from extravagant colours, If it is a normal shop, and want to sell a mooncake two differing thoughts will arouse. One wants it neat and simple while the other wants it attract children with colours. The final factor determined it's shape. The shape actually determined by how the mooncake is arranged in the box.
Pek Yu-Xuan Sean
Both contains MoonCakes.
There are Chinese Characters written on it.
The white container is very plain while the other container is very beautiful.
The patterns on the container are different.
The more beautifully decorated can contain more mooncakes than the other.
Some people have different taste.Some people like Lotus while some people do not.
Some people prefer Mooncakes that are cheap because they are thrifty.
Different people have different point of view. Some people may think the first box is nicer while some may think the second box is nicer so it depends on the buyers.
The shape of the Mooncake. Of course, some Mooncakes are bigger than the other. But they are usually more expensive so the size of the mooncakes alos matter.
By: Marcus 6G
What your asking for the first Question is so... so OBVIOUS! Of course they want their own DESIGN right? If the WHOLE world uses the same Moon cake box design, the person who created it must be the RICHEST PERSON ON EARTH! Right? So, sometimes THINK before u ask and ask before u THINK-before posting it on the net.
Difference: some mooncakes are big and some are small and some mooncakes are cold and some are warm so different boxes are used to keep the mooncake cold or warm Similarity: all the containers look nice and have words on it.
I want to follow-up on the comments, since I forgotten to explain about why it should be an insulator.
First fact, the second law of themodynamics( movement of heat ) states that fall of caloric (heat) from a hot to cold body . So a chilled mooncake will be in trouble.
Second Fact, Since air prevents heat from entering very fast, we can say it is an weak conductor ( I am sorry that I said Insulator since that no known substance is an pure insulator )
Thus, if you wan't to keep a substance cold, you will have to wrap it in a air filled packaging
Pek Yu-Xuan Sean
Both containers can contain a certain amount of mooncakes.
The patterns, designs and the size of the containers are different.
1) Other people have different tastes and points of view (some prefer other flavours while some prefer buying the container that is very simple).
2) The containers may contain mooncakes of different sizes (some bigger and some smaller).
3) Some would buy different qualities of the mooncakes (some like cheaper mooncakes wile other may prefer more beautifully designed patterns and more expensive mooncakes).
6 Grace
Youn Yea Won(6C)
First- They have to be the insulators of heat because it has to keep the mooncake cool. Will you like it if the mooncakes are warm? I am sure your answer will be no. They are never made of metals. But why?
-Well, metals are usually heavier than the plastics or styrofoams.
-They are good conductors of heat. Singapore is a hot country and if this container made of metal conducts heat, the air inside the container gets hot and the mooncakes get warmer naturally.
-The first difference that came into my sight is their designs. Different people have different points of view. Some people may like simple and neat looking ones while some people may like a little complicated looking designs. There is one Korean olden sayings that "If your eyes enjoy, your mouth also enjoys" which means if you feel nice with the designs, what you are eating also tastes nicer. This sayings show that the tastes of the different food greatly depends on the outer appearance.
-Usually, males like simple things while females like nicer and warmer looking things. If you want to increase the number of your customers, you must get the wide ranges of the outer appearances and tastes. Don't you think so?
(Thanks! However, I am sorry if this turns out to be false because it's only my opinion!)
Similarity:The boxes are strong enough to hold the weight of the mooncakes.It usually has a cover/cap to close the box.
Difference:Some of the boxes are airtight,while others are not.Mooncakes that are needed to be keep in the fridge,needs to be a material that is a good conductor of heat.Others that don't need to be kept in the fridge can be any type of material.
Rachel Neo, 6Faith
Can I restart my comment? Because my answer has NOTHING to do with science.
Similarity: Both are insulators of heat because Singapore is very hot. The heat will easily go through the container and the mooncakes will be very hot.Also, some mooncake are cold, and when they are being put inside the container, they can withstand the cold.
Marcus Chioh 6G
Thank you to Sean, Ellia and Marcus for elaborating.
Mrs Chien
Youn Yea Won,
You last 'opinion' do have some fact in it due to the way males and female's brain are wired, though you do see younger people do actually get attracted to colour while when you grow old, you actually prefer plainer items, don't you. So all this elements actually focuses on which you prefer. Then, you do see young children's parent won't let them eat alcoholic mooncakes, so those boxes with alcoholic mooncakes actually is somewhat plainer (there are certain exception) while does with smalle, yolk-fill mooncakes have much more extravagant's designs. So it is actually due to consumer they are targeting and selling to.
Pek Yu-Xuan Sean
I disagree with what Sean has said.
"You last 'opinion' do have some fact in it due to the way males and female's brain are wired, though you do see younger people do actually get attracted to colour while when you grow old, you actually prefer plainer items, don't you."
Mine Opinion:
Actually, it is not true that old people like plain colours. It is just that old people want things to be done simply and quicky.
Young People may not be attracted to colours. Many artists are very simple. They just do not want to make things so colourful and the end result, complicated. So it actually depends on the gender of the costumer and his/her taste. Lets say, a girl costumer buys mooncakes. Some girls may want to be simple and quick and just go off with a box of mooncakes. As long as the mooncakes are nice inside, they will also come and buy again.
SO THE SALES OF MOONCAKE do not entirely depend on the outer covering(although some costumers depend on it, but not all).
SOME FAMOUS MOONCAKES SALE are also not very colourful but they make good sales. Like the wife biscuit, its covering is not attractive but during peak hours, there are usually a long queue.
(The info on top is all my idea, hehehe)
Marcus Chioh 6G
Marcus, it is true that brand names and popolarity do play a part, since older people want to be simple and need, don't they actually prefer plainer colours?
Pek Yu-Xuan Sean
"Marcus, it is true that brand names and popolarity do play a part, since older people want to be simple and need, don't they actually prefer plainer colours?
Pek Yu-Xuan Sean"
Actually for the 1st part of the question YES. Do you prefer mooncakes sold in the market or mooncakes sold in restaurants.
OF COURSE , you will prefer the mooncakes sold in restaurants. Although they are more expensive, BUT they are worth it because you are satisfied with the products.
For Sean's 2nd question, most of the times, YES. BUT if the boxes sold are really attractive, I predict many old people will also buy the products.
- For the similarity, they are both used to put mooncakes and they also have chinese characters on it.
- For the difference, One of them its sort of plain and i also noticed that it is made out of styrofoam. This is probaly used to store mooncakes that need to be stored at a low temperature. Another one is quite fancy and colourful, Which is most prbaly used to sell mooncakes at a fancy returant to attract customers.
- I feel that when people are selling mooncakes, if you compare the boxes used to put the mooncakes from a roadside stall and a fancy resturant, the designs might be different-- the roadside stall's mooncake box design might be more plain than a mooncake box from a fancy resturant.
Just my though sorry if i am wrong.
Megan, 6faith
*They are both insulators of heat because Singapore is a hot country and if they are made of good conductors of heat, the air inside would get hot and the mooncakes inside would eventually be warm too..and eating warm mooncakes isn't so nice!!
*They are also usually made of light materials like styrofoam so it is more convenient to carry around.
*They have their own unique designs so it is easy to differentiate them.
*The many designs attract the attention of different customers each.
(my opinion only)
Carina^^ (6 Faith)
Regarding to what Carina said --They are also usually made of light materials like styrofoam so it is more convenient to carry around."
Not all mooncake boxes are made out of styrofoam. In fact, The mooncake boxes that we see nowadays are usually made out of cardboard and plastic.
And also regarding to what she said about "Eating warm mooncakes is not so nice"
I feel different people have different taste so not all people think eating warm mooncake is not so nice.
Megan, 6faith
I would like to disagree with Megan's comment."Another one is quite fancy and colourful, Which is most prbaly used to sell mooncakes at a fancy returant to attract customers.the roadside stall's mooncake box design might be more plain than a mooncake box from a fancy resturant.
Mooncake boxes that are very colourful may not necessary be sold in a fancy restaurant. For example, in some roadside stalls, there are still beautifully decorated mooncakes boxes on sale. So when mooncakes boxes are beautifully decorated, that does not need to be sold in a high-class restaurant.
I think Carina's comment on similarities were excellent BUT there's one thing I do not agree on."They are also usually made of light materials like styrofoam so it is more convenient to carry around."
Nowadays, mooncakes boxes that are covered with styrofoam are very rare. Now, it is wrapped with plastic and they decorate it beautifully BUT overall her comment was great.
MEGAN disagreement comment was also good. BUT it is the truth that 90% of singaporeans do not like to eat hot mooncakes. But this 10% singaporeans like to eat hot mooncakes because it is totally their taste so we can't stop them from eatting hot mooncakes
For my opinion,i disagree and agree with what marcus said in his last comment what he said,beautifully decorated mooncakes boxes maybe sold on roadsides and i totally agree with that but on the other hand,do you see plain styrofoam mooncake boxes sold in a high class restaurant???No i dont think you have seen your disagreement with megan comment is not totally true...jus commenting(no offence)
by Douglas 6F
Youn Yea Won Ellia(6C)
I disagree with Marcus from 6G(no offence^^)-
Actually, I do not decide to buy whether to buy something in a high-class restaurant and a market. If I see that something is good enough and the price is okay, I will buy it. Nowadays, it is easy to see that the price of a same thing sold in a high class restaurant and a market is very very different. In this financial crisis, who do you think, will dare to buy SO EXPENSIVE things in a high class restaurant when you can buy the same thing with a cheaper price? Will you do it? If I were you, I wouldn't. This all depends on the options of the items, whether the customer thinks it is okay or it is not.
Carina-They are also usually made of light materials like styrofoam so it is more convenient to carry around
um... like everyone said, it is not always made up of styrofoam. It can be made up of light plastic and cardboards
do you see plain styrofoam mooncake boxes sold in a high class restaurant???- Douglas(6F)
Sorry, but I think I've seen one.AHAHA= sorry, I wonder, why you think that plain styrofoam mooncake boxes cannot be sold in a restaurant. Some people may decorate the boxes themselves in a unique decorations that no stalls sale and some people would not like any designs on the box.
"i totally agree with that but on the other hand,do you see plain styrofoam mooncake boxes sold in a high class restaurant???No i dont think you have seen any..."DOUGLAS
Actually, i agree but i did not say that. I say MAY not be necessary and MAY means maybe.
"In this financial crisis, who do you think, will dare to buy SO EXPENSIVE things in a high class restaurant when you can buy the same thing with a cheaper price?"
IN THE MARKET, THE MOONCAKES SOLD usually taste worser than the ones sold in the restaurants. So if a mooncake is good, regardless of price, SOME people will buy it so taste is also an important factor.
I will go all the way back to the 1st comment. The writer said "The patterns of the container are different...the one with nicer patterns will actually attract more customers to buy"
WELL thats not true, its totally depends on one's taste. Nicer pattern may not attract the most coustomers. If this is correct, then the mooncakes manufacturer will create beautifully decorated mooncakes and all the business will go to him and he will be rich. But No, so manufacturers make beautiful and plain mooncake boxes.
"In this financial crisis, who do you think, will dare to buy SO EXPENSIVE things in a high class restaurant when you can buy the same thing with a cheaper price?" -- Marcus
Yes it is true but it is also not exactly true. Even in this dinancial crisis, Your statement does not apply to all people. (no offense) Some rich people may care more about where other people see them than about the prices of the mooncakes (sorry for improper sentence structure)
your first statement actully refers to ellia not me."Yes it is true but it is also not exactly true. Even in this dinancial crisis, Your statement does not apply to all people. (no offense) Some rich people may care more about where other people see them than about the prices of the mooncakes (sorry for improper sentence structure)"
Yes, it applies to all people. Everyone have different taste and different status(in terms of money). Those people who have lower income or out of job will not spend so much money going in a restaurant and buy a mooncake.
They will go to the market to buy because it is so much cheaper even though the taste is not that good.
Those rich people will go to the restaurant to buy because of the taste. Thats worth it because you get to eat delicious food, its just that you have to pay more money. SO the price also matters in the sale of mooncakes
Ellia,you sure you have seen one in a HIGH CLASS restaurant???it is kind of "rare"i must say...okay maybe you saw but it is of the slightest of chance so i cannot disagree with your disagreement with me anyway nice point=)
Disagreement with Douglas.
Many things in this world is happened even when it was impossible before, what matters most is the taste of the moon cake, even if it's packed with PLAIN STYROFOAM, it has it's own unique design, look around its RARE to see that HIGH CLASS restaurants. So, by all means, it is a UNIQUE design right? Haven't u heard that Simplicity is the way around things? So, i MUST disagree with you, Impossible Is Nothing - Adidas.
Disagreement with The First Comment,
Not only does the patterns attract the consumers, look around the world now. Economical Crisis, WHAT counts most is the PRICE, TASTE and POPULARITY. Singaporeans are "kiasu" in a kind of way and calculative. It's useful to occasionally gain perspective from the present, what your doing is not gaining perspective from the present but instead your just looking at the world from a view of a rich, unwise old lady. So, it's not the packaging with the NICER patterns that attract the consumer. You must listen to the environment before u ever debate on ANYTHING. So, please don't be illogical.
Lee.S.H (6 Faith)
Shyh Haur.
Okay i agree with you,shyh haur but i must tell u 'impossible is nothing'is kind of wrong there is impossible stuffs in this world example:"Are you able live in water without any oxygen mask???"the answer should be no so impoosible is something...(no offence to shyh haur and Adidas)not about this topic anyway...
I agree with Leesh, but there popularity only matters a bit portion. Like some big restaurants, their sale of mooncake is lower than those in a small restaurants because their prcie is more expensive. So the 2 most important quality is price and quality of the mooncakes \
What if i told you that when scientists inject fish hormones into us when we are in the womb, we will be able to breathe in the water? Will u be able to believe that impossible is nothing?
We are discussing science here, not any motto
The similarity is that all containers are hard so that the mooncakes are protected.Another similarity is that all mooncake boxes has their company's name so that if the mooncakes are nice ,they know where to buy the next time.
The difference is that containers are in different sizes to fit the amount and size of the mooncakes.Another difference is that the pattern are differently decorated to attract the cutomers.And the last differnce is the material of the container. Some is made of plastic and others is made of metal.(i know that the material depends on the typs of mooncakes but i dont know why.)
The reasons for choosing the correct container is to ensure the mooncakes will not be crushed so easily , the designs must be attractive and the material must suit the type of mooncake.
designs does not always attracts people.Most people think that the quality of the mooncake is more important than the design ofthe container.
Hmm okays i agree with you shyh haur great point...=)and lydia i agree with u too...
"What if i told you that when scientists inject fish hormones into us when we are in the womb, we will be able to breathe in the water? Will u be able to believe that impossible is nothing?"-Shyh Haur
I don't really think that this can be true because just because hormones are injected into us, that does not mean we will be able to breathe in the water because that also means to say that we have gills. Just because we have been injected with fish hormones, that does not mean that we have gills.
Once, a scientist has injected human ear cell into a rabbit near the face and this weird thing which looked like a human's ear appeared but it could not be used. It could not hear anything. This tells us that this cannot be true and injecting when we are not even given birth but still inside the womb, the chances of having gills is lesser than being physically injected. That is because it can be destroyed and can be passed out as a waste product.
Do you think that this can be true??
Youn Yea Won Ellia-(6C)
Lydia, i agree with you except for that you have no scientific facts like the insulators and etc.
Ellia, i agree with you about the harmones and thanks for telling me about the ear thingy.
Both their containers have retangularshapes to put the mooncakes in.
The designs are totally different, one is dull white with only chinese words on it but the other one is purple with beautiful designs on it.
I think the reason for choosing different types of containers is because of the designs.The more attractive one will attract more customers to buy it while the less attractive one will attract less customers to buy it.
Rachel Ngo S.H.[6G]
The similarity : Both the containers can contain several mooncakes and there are chinese characters i think that is to signify the flavour of the mooncake.
The difference: the decoration the on the containers are different and people will naturally be attrated to buy the one with the nicer decoration
all the boxes are hard and strong to carry these moon cakes and they
they have different size, material and design
sally 6g
The similarity is that they have chinese characters on it.
The difference is that they have different designs and the size of the container is different.
Ang Rae Ann (6G)
Umm, I understand what you guys mean by the styrofoam thing...but i meant any light materials...styrofoam is just an example i gave, it doesn't mean that is the only material used.-_-
and sorry for the misunderstanding
6 Faith
~The ways of the containers are similiar is that they are use to fill in mooncakes,there is Chinese characters and there must have a design on it.
~The ways of the containers are different is that different boxes have different design, shape,sizes,cost and even the qualities.
~If there is a variety of designs, alot of people would buy it as different people have different taste.
~The bigger the shape and size, the more the moncakes stored inside. That is the thinking of human beings.And when the size is bigger,of course,the cost must be more expensive.That's how people nowadays make money.
~If there is a lot of mooncakes inside and the box is of a low quality,the box will easily broke into two and the contents can spill out.The quality is also important.
~Syafiqah ~6Grace
They both contain mooncakes .
They are different in their pattern.The nicer one may be more expensive and people may choose to buy the plain one .They do not think that it is worth. Others may think other wise .They may think that it is nice to have a container like that and the pictures on it may give them the festive mood.
Yan ting (6G)
differences-The containers are designed differently,depending on the company of the mooncake.
=the more beautiful the containers are designed the more attractive it is,hence more customers will buy the mooncake.
-The material of the containers are made different to suit the mooncake,whether the mooncake needs to be stored in the refrigerator or not.
=some of the containers are made of metal some plastic.
-containers contain mooncakes depending on the number of eggyoke in each mooncake.
similarity-The containers can store about 4 big mooncakes and about 9 for small.
~audrey 6grace
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