How To Soar in PSLE - BTPS Way!!
Interact with complex questions / graphs / pictures to pick up valuable clues (don't highlight - just use your pen to underline words or scribble notes)
Start with Booklet A and do it meticulously with full focus - explore all 4 distractors before making final choice.
MANAGE your TIME - to score well, you need to try to finish ALL questions.
Specific answers = answers that are relevant to question.
When confused, choose any of the following strategies:
1. Ask, "What Science idea is being used in question?"
2. Pose other questions to clarify your thoughts
3. COMPARE to another set-up
4. COMPARE to a reverse situation
5. Connect to your knowledge in life (yes, you do have lots of prior / other knowledge)
6. Break down your answer in steps before crafting final answer.
Common problems with wrong answers:
*Answers are generic/vague and do not connect to that specific question
*Answers are not scientific and do not explain using Science ideas
*Answers do not make use of data provided when asked
*Answers did not make comparisons - use words like more/most etc..when asked
BTPS supports all P6 in achieving their PSLE GOALS!!
Start with Booklet A and do it meticulously with full focus - explore all 4 distractors before making final choice.
MANAGE your TIME - to score well, you need to try to finish ALL questions.
Specific answers = answers that are relevant to question.
When confused, choose any of the following strategies:
1. Ask, "What Science idea is being used in question?"
2. Pose other questions to clarify your thoughts
3. COMPARE to another set-up
4. COMPARE to a reverse situation
5. Connect to your knowledge in life (yes, you do have lots of prior / other knowledge)
6. Break down your answer in steps before crafting final answer.
Common problems with wrong answers:
*Answers are generic/vague and do not connect to that specific question
*Answers are not scientific and do not explain using Science ideas
*Answers do not make use of data provided when asked
*Answers did not make comparisons - use words like more/most etc..when asked
BTPS supports all P6 in achieving their PSLE GOALS!!
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Science Around Me (SAM)
SAM is a Science journal that allows pupils to express themselves in their favourite ways about Science.
SAM is another great opportunity for pupils to THINK and TALK Science in a medium that is customised to their learning styles.
SAM allows teachers to informally assess understanding of the child and clarify misconceptions in their learning.
SAM is another great opportunity for pupils to THINK and TALK Science in a medium that is customised to their learning styles.
SAM allows teachers to informally assess understanding of the child and clarify misconceptions in their learning.
Factors Affecting the Environment by Gog Ru Yan - 6G

When Ice Changes into Water by Goh Chee Yan - 5G
Do you wonder whether the mass of ice changes when it melts into water. Try this out:
1. Put a few ice cubes into a plastic bag
2. Tie the mouth of the bag tightly
3. Weigh the bag of ice cubes (if there is condensation outside the bag, wipe it dry before weighing)
4. Place the bag in the sun
5. When ice has melted, wipe the outside of the bag dry (refer to step 3)
6. Weigh the bag
You will discover that the mass of the bag remains the same!
There is no change in mass when ice melts!!
1. Put a few ice cubes into a plastic bag
2. Tie the mouth of the bag tightly
3. Weigh the bag of ice cubes (if there is condensation outside the bag, wipe it dry before weighing)
4. Place the bag in the sun
5. When ice has melted, wipe the outside of the bag dry (refer to step 3)
6. Weigh the bag
You will discover that the mass of the bag remains the same!
There is no change in mass when ice melts!!
Simple Steps to fight Dengue by Elizabeth Wu 4C

Youn Yea Won Ellia (6C)
Actually, I used to think that there wasn't such thing as aliens. That was of course because what I have learned was 'solar system' and we were taught that there were no atmosphere in other planets. There are also no water and air on other planets. That was also because I was only referring to our solar system but we all know that space is very very VERY BIG.
That also tells me that the space not only consists of our solar system.
Now, I think that aliens can exist. This is because scientists and astronomers have found out that there were such thing in space that looks like solar system. A big star in the middle and a few planets looking things going round the star. That tells us that there can be many of such things in the big big space. Did you think that there could be planets with air and the atmosphere on the planet. Maybe just like the movie "space war", the aliens are way cleverer than human beings and they are prepared for a war with us. Or maybe they are ready to be freinds with us. Just like the movie, we have had a lot of news informing us about the strange unidentified flying object(UFO). However, those objects cannot be driven by humans because the flying objects fly very fast.
And they are always very small looking. Could that be made by graphic? In Korean science programme, Sponge, they showed how the videos can be made, looking like an UFO. However, this cannot make sense because it looks very unnatural. This is very different from the ones we see in the movie or Youtube. With these reasons, I believe that there can be possibilities of aliens existing.
Anyways, if there are aliens existing, I just hope that we won't have a war. I hope that we can share the information we have with each other.
I have this very funny idea! In the movies, we see that aliens are super in their studies and they are much much cleverer than human beings. However, what if they are much more Not Cleverer than us? What if they are like us at the stone ages? HAHA I want to share what you think about this.
When young, I believed that were Aliens ans UFOS but now when i grown up, I do not believe because I have heard a lot of news about it and I do not believed and of course, the aliens or UFOS in movies are fake
Steven Hawking, one of the most famous cosmologist, has said that UFO in the scientific comunity is widely accepted. As looking at the sheer size of the universe, we can tell that LGM (Little Green Man) are possible, many optimist even stated that they already are LGM on Earth, there are many micro-organisms that can survive on the moon in a test simulation. They don't even require water, just rock. SETI, the search for extra terrestials (Lets just called them LGM, it is much shorter) have been using radio-waves and another scientist uses laser to try and search for this extra-terrestials. We can never think we are alone in the universe. It may most likely be a scam since we are sure that they are not here yet. Think about it, Albert Eistien proved that light can never change speed, no matter how you mesure it. The nearest star, Proxima Centurai is abought 4.2 light years away, and nothing can travel beyond the speed of light, since that will require a infinite amount of energy. Then, you think there are many of the stars, how long can alien come to find us, they can't speed pass the speed of light. They must slowly drift. The only way is that they can time travel or can actually live very very long. Even on Earth, we have trees living up to 2,000 year old. Space and Time are so closely link that it can be break. Drake Equation tells us the probability of aliens is(Brace Yourself):
The number of civillisation we can detect = the number of stars in the galaxy * the fraction of stars with planetery systems * the number of planets, per solar system, with an environment suited of life * the fraction of suitable planet who has life available * the fraction of life-bearing planet which intelligent life appears * the fraction og civillisation who have the technology that releases dectatable signals of thier existence * the fraction of planetery lifetime such civillisation release detectable signals into space (For Earth this fraction is very small)
Which mean that the chances are that. Then we can tell that alien exist. Next, we can say a few reasons why they haven't found us yet, the first reason is the distance, the second is that they think that we just started to know technology and think that we are babies compared to the rest of the universe.
Probably, when we meet them they come in war, we have a voyager and a pioneer probe out in space, one at the edge of solar system, the oort cloud, and been releasing radio waves out in every direction. Think about it, other civillisation don't wan't us to invade them, will they ever send out noticible waves? Our Maybe they come to trade information and goods. Probably they can tell us how to access the great universe internet!
What ever it is, aliens, please come in peace!
Pek Yu-Xuan Sean
I always think that there aren't things like aliens... but after some deep thinking, I realised that there could be someone on another planet that does not live on water or air. They may also regard us as aliens:)They may also live in ways much different from ours, they does not live in houses, does not go to school. I really wonder how will they communicate with each other.
YX, you are good in the fact that you pointed out animportant fact, creatures do not have to have air or water or DNA, we can have wierd life forms. Searching for life not as we now know it! Scientist say wierd life has silicon, sulfur, phosphorus and arsenic instead of carbon.Sulfuric Acid,Ammonia and Methane for water and RNA for DNA.
Pek Yu-Xuan Sean
After watching the video,i believed that there are such things as UFOs. After all,there might be other planets that probably suit those aliens and the UFOs out there in the outer space which,as ellia said,VERY BIG. i believe that in the future,technology will enable man kind to travel to other planets we have not discovered yet. And that will determine if there are any aliens or UFOs!
Yi rui 6Grace
i think there are such thing as ufos as the space is very big so there might be other planets and different species very far away from us that we never come about before. jd
Megan, 6faith
Actually, i do believe that aliens can exist. They may not exist in our solar syatem but somewhere else in space as it is very big.
Although in movies, people make aliens seem like that are little green men trying to invade earth and stuff like that. But it may not be true. Maybe, just maybe, aliens can look like nothing that we have imagined.
But anyway, we are talking about UFOs here..
I don't believe that UFOs are true since i have never seen one. And we havent had any invasions before.
Jin Yun Na(6Grace)
I belive that the aliens exist.
We do not know whether the alien exist but Edgar Dean Mitchell said he said that the alien exist.
And in England, there is an alien body!!!
I think that aliens,UFO's and other types of space creatures(if they are existing...) are not true. I the past i wasn't so sure about the UFO's and etc whether they are true or not. I think that that object shown in the video was not an UFO although it convinces(maybe) people to say that UFO's are true.
Remus See
i think that UFOs and aliens may exist.As Ellia said, space is very very big and wide. There may be more than one solar system( our solar system ) in space.
Even if you say that there is no atmosphere, liquid or anything else, it does not mean that aliens cannot survive. Aliens are not humans. They can survive on other resources.
Who knows?
bernice (6c)
If UFO exists, i would wonder where they survive. In P5 we learnt about the solar system and that there is no atmosphere in other planets except for earth.
Nicole Rusli 6 Grace
I think everybody knows how big the universe is. With all the clusters and superclusters of galaxies, Earth can not be the only planet to support life. It might be possible for Earth to be the only planet in the Milky Way to support life, but in the other galaxies there should be planets that can support life. The only thing is that even with modern technology, our only hope is to spot an unknown planet with life on it, and that is almost impossible. In the other galaxies like the Andromeda galaxy, they are more than 150 000 light years away, which makes finding inhabited planets very difficult. NGC 1097 galaxy is 65.5 million light years away. We are actually seeing it now as it was when the dinosaurs died out. Anyway, UFOs might be alien space ships that work in a way we can not comprehend or just hoaxes to fool people. I think they are real, as there has been a UFO casualty. That person took off in a plane to attack the UFO. His plane was shot down and the remains were discovered shortly after. Timothy Timuari
Humans can survive on other planets a few light years away. These planets are believed to contain WATER. And they are in LIQUID form, we do not know of the substance as the robot has ended its life there after 1 minute of transmition. These planets are known as Super planets.
I do not know which answer is right, but I think I will choose Ufos. How unlucky can you get to see a fake scam? If you had watch the video clip on about the evidence on moon, you might agree with me. Moon is not a popular place, therefore, not much people would be there as travelling to the moon is very expensive. the BIG question is have yet to found out: Are there living organisms outside Earth?
Ben Wu,
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